Borcan cu ornamente artistice - ceramică dacică
Reconstrucția virtuală 3D a unui borcan cu ornamente | 3D Virtual Reconstruction of a Dacian Jar with artistic ornaments
Avînd ca bază o poză a unui artefact dacic - un borcan cu ornamente artistice, prezentat în articolul Observations Regarding the Dacian Discoveries made on the site of Zăbrani “La Pîrneavă”, Arad County (first-second century A.D.), semnat de Alexandru Berzovan, am creat o variantă de reconstituire virtuală 3D (ipotetică) a acelui borcan.
_ Poza "Borcan cu ornamente artistice" - sursa din articol
_ Reconstituire virtuală 3D "Borcan cu ornamente artistice" v.1 (ipotetică) | 3D Virtual Reconstruction "Dacian Jar with artistic ornaments" (hypothetical)
culorile folosite in reconstituire sînt ipotetice, neavînd detalii despre cum era în realitate
(Pl. 4/1a,b) Code: 15 557; Type: jar; flared rim, flattened end; flat base, no sole; slightly deformed; Technique: hand modeled; reducing firing; blunt wooden instrument; Dimensions: Ø mouth: 13.5 cm; Ø neck: 11 cm; Ø median: 14.5 cm; Ø base: 8.5 cm; H. total: 23.5 cm; H. upper: 13.5 cm; H. lower: 10 cm; Gr. wall: 0.5–0.7 cm; Aspect: brown fabric; average roughness; accented strength; inclusions of sand, in moderate quantity; Decoration: alveoli girdle placed horizontally, in the upper half of the pot. Four hook-shaped veins start from the girdle; two such “hooks” generate five smaller veins, placed in radial positions; Place of discovery: theDacian pit.
_ Reconstituire virtuală 3D "Borcan cu ornamente artistice" v.1 (ipotetică) | 3D Virtual Reconstruction "Dacian Jar with artistic ornaments" (hypothetical)
-- _ Reconstituire virtuală 3D "Borcan cu ornamente artistice" v.1 (ipotetică) - secțiune | 3D Virtual Reconstruction "Dacian Jar with artistic ornaments" (hypothetical) - section
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